by Site Admin | Jun 10, 2011 | Blogs, CHOW
The SCUBAnauts took over Washington D.C. while visiting for Capitol Hill Ocean Week! The first night of the trip was spent conversing with Craig McLean of NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, as well as with Dr. Jane Lubcheno, the 1st Woman and 1st Diver...
by Site Admin | Jun 9, 2011 | CHOW
As a part of Capitol Hill Ocean Week, the SCUBAnauts attended “Feeding the Nation: National Security and American Seafood,” a panel discussing overfishing, where they became enlightened with the discussion, debate, and panel perspectives on the potential and current...
by Site Admin | Jun 9, 2011 | CHOW
Alanna Mitchell, the “best environmental journalist in the world” (IUCN; Reuters foundation), and strong advocate for global science issues, shared conversation and knowledge with the SCUBAnauts during Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW). Mitchell lead an intriguing...
by Site Admin | Jun 9, 2011 | CHOW, In the Community
Cultural and physical barriers were overcome when the SCUBAnauts participated in video-conferences with Indonesian and Australian students. The ‘nauts visited the Indonesian Embassy in Washington D.C. and connected with young men and women who also desired to bring...
by Site Admin | Jun 8, 2011 | CHOW
The SCUBAnauts were invited to attend the Leadership Awards Dinner; put on by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation for Capitol Hill Ocean Week in Washington D.C. The ‘nauts enjoyed a sustainable seafood meal while learning about important ocean issues,...