My first SCUBAnauts trip to the Keys was life changing. I think it was the best experience for me, considering I am still a new diver. Before the trip, most of my dives were for training.
Of course, my first day in the Keys, I didn’t know what I was doing on the boat with so many experienced divers. By the second day, I felt 10 times better jumping in, and diving down. It became more fun, because I wasn’t thinking about bumping into coral, or bumping into people, or checking my gear twice, and recording my dive info, I was doing it naturally. Which meant I could focus on my work for Mote, and just enjoy the water. Now I’m comfortable jumping off the boat, and thanks to my dive buddy Tom, from Combat Wounded Veterans Challenge, I can now back roll off too.
I realize how lucky I am to be a part of an organization making a much-needed impact on our coral reefs. On top of it all, I met some pretty amazing people. Thank you SCUBAnauts, Mote, and Combat Wounded Veterans Challenge!
— Trevor R, Naut-in-Training, Tarpon Springs Chapter