Looking back at our Board of Directors meeting in February from the point of view from one of our exceptional Nauts, Mia F.
On Saturday, February 27th, the SCUBAnauts International Board of Directors met at Mote Marine Laboratory for their annual meeting. As part of a select panel of SCUBAnauts, I was designated to provide feedback from a Naut’s point-of-view. The
board of directors welcomed us graciously with a light breakfast of pastries and fruit. After a couple of minutes of mingling and food, we dove right in. Starting off with introductions and some lead-in questions to get the ball rolling, the questions quickly became more specific, relating to Naut interactions and involvement in science. Although I was nervous going into the meeting, the other SCUBAnauts and I had plenty of answers; if one of us seemed unsure, another lead the way. Working together, we proved an effective team, and soon my nerves had calmed, and I confidently provided answers. When the meeting finished, I felt incredibly valued. The board of directors listened to my ideas. Little old Mia was heard.