SCUBAnaut News

SciDay, Part 2

SciDay, Part 2

Part 2: Science Research DayOn their applications for the Science Research Day, many of the ‘nauts expressed interest in learning about sea turtles.  Lucky for us, SCUBAnauts has our very own turtle expert – Rhonda Bailey.  Ms. Bailey works for the Florida...

Science Research Day, Part 1

Science Research Day, Part 1

On August 11th, a six SCUBAnauts from two chapters were able to participate in a Science Research Day put together by Carlie Williams, the Education Officer from the Tarpon Springs chapter.The goal of SciDay was to show the ‘nauts some of the many different research...

Ask the ‘nauts!

We ask all of the SCUBAnauts to keep a journal during our science expeditions.  This is both so they can take notes during lessons and to record their thoughts throughout the trip.  Here is a sample of some of their journal entries from the Bahamas...

Science dives in the Bahamas

Science dives in the Bahamas

Our second day on the island and our first day of diving! Everyone went to bed really early last night after our looooong day of traveling.  So we were all ready for breakfast at 7 am.  Everyone, especially the teen-aged boys with endless appetites, is...

The SCUBAnauts travel to the Bahamas!

The SCUBAnauts travel to the Bahamas!

Today was our travel day, and it was long and difficult. We started off by driving from Tampa Bay to Fort Lauderdale overnight, with several of the parents driving vans and cars loaded with gear, luggage and kids. It was definitely an all-nighter for those parents and...

Ocean for Life 2011

Ocean for Life 2011

Thirty high school students from the Greater Middle Eastern and Western countries participated in Ocean for Life (OFL), a program to increase cultural understanding through ocean science, from July 14-26, 2011. The students studied at NOAA's Channel Islands National...

Capitol Hill Ocean Week

Capitol Hill Ocean Week

The SCUBAnauts took over Washington D.C. while visiting for Capitol Hill Ocean Week! The first night of the trip was spent conversing with Craig McLean of NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, as well as with Dr. Jane Lubcheno, the 1st Woman and 1st Diver...

The SCUBAnauts Meet Author Alanna Mitchell

The SCUBAnauts Meet Author Alanna Mitchell

Alanna Mitchell, the “best environmental journalist in the world” (IUCN; Reuters foundation), and strong advocate for global science issues, shared conversation and knowledge with the SCUBAnauts during Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW). Mitchell lead an intriguing...