SCUBAnaut News
A Huge Thank You!
To learn more about Hernando Environmental Land Protectors please visit their website
Working with Mote: A Gratifying Experience (Blog)
Taylor R. Scubanauts: Senior First Class -- AAUS D-60 Working with Mote laboratories this summer was once again a gratifying experience. Dr. Vaughan and his staff are great; it's such an amazing experience to work along side such respected scientists. This year we had...
ECO Magazine Online Publication
"Education Through Exploration: SCUBAnauts Support Reef Restoration Project" By: Keith Kolasa, SCUBAnauts Science/ Education Outreach Coordinator SCUBAnauts International (SNI) was established to expand and promote STEM related opportunities for young and emerging...
In the News: Kids, wounded vets join to restore coral in the Keys
Theirs was a team effort during Mote Marine Laboratory’s ongoing coral restoration project: Dove held the fragment with his left hand, and Costello used both hands to cinch the zip tie — retired Green Beret Staff Sgt. Dove lost his right arm below the elbow and right...
Saluting Over a Decade of Service to SNI
Amazing Outplanting (Blog)
Zack M : SCUBAnaut - AAUS D-30 //2015 We worked with Dr. Vaughan of Mote Tropical Research Lab at Summerland Key and learned about the latest way to transplant and grow boulder/mountain corals. Overall it was a very interesting process and the science behind how...
Summer Trip 2015 – Summary
July 17 - 25, 2015 18 youth members and 9 adult mentors of SCUBAnauts International (SNI) assisted coral restoration scientists from the Mote Tropical Research Laboratory in Summerland Key, FL. This trip encompassed major themes of (1) conducting youth lead research...
In the news: SCUBAnauts Splitting The Sign
I am a member of SCUBAnauts International, an organization for young people passionately interested in the ocean. Of all my experiences as a SCUBAnaut, sharing my love of the ocean with wounded veterans really stands out. As we come up to Memorial Day, I wanted to...
Learning how to Transplant Coral at Mote Marine Laboratory – Summerland Key
Cole Kolasa Scubanaut - Senior First Class AAUS D-100 DAN Diving First Aid Pro Provider July 16, 2014 Many people take up jobs that require them to work with their hands, multi-task, and complete certain tasks while working to achieve some goal. Working with MOTE...
July 2014 Coral Nursery and Transplant Dive Missions
7.16.14 Dive Journal Entry Sofia Alaniz, Scubanaut-Senior First Class Master Diver AAUS D-100 DAN Diving First Aid Pro Provider Today was filled with a ton of fun and a huge load of diving!!! I was expecting a normal day of normal dives… That is not even...