Last weekend we had our Regional Meeting that involved all of the SCUBAnauts chapters coming to together with our esteemed Board of Directors. Take a look at what our Naut Shaian B. thought about all of it!
I had the opportunity to participate in SCUBAnauts International’s first Naut panel session with all of our Board of Directors. There are many outstanding and well known people on our board so I went into this panel being a little nervous, but with my fellow Nauts sitting next to me, it wasn’t as nerve wrecking. In this panel we were asked questions on SCUBAnauts and their progress over the years, we were also able to provide our opinion on what we would enjoy to do in the years to come. This was an amazing experience, and it was exciting interacting with Dr. Crosby, CEO of Mote Marine, and Mr. Basta, former Director of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. If I get the opportunity to volunteer for an event like this again, I’d be first in line!