Donate to SCUBAnauts

Support SCUBAnauts International by making a donation here:

SNI’s Group Exemption Number is 57075 and SNI’s EIN is 01-0843142, and their Florida Charitable Solicitation Registration Number is CH19402. A Copy of the Official Registration and Financial Information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling (800) 435-7352. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State of Florida

Pay Your SCUBAnauts Dues

Adult Background Check:

Please note that paying via the button below incurs a small processing fee (included in the prices below).  To avoid these fees, you can pay $33 as follows:

  • Mail a check to “SCUBAnauts International, Inc.” at 1497 Main Street #221, Dunedin FL 34698 or turn it in to your Chapter President.
  • If you have a personal PayPal account, make the payment by “sending money to a friend” to and use your Checking Account as the source of funds.


SNI Chapter