The SCUBAnauts love the ocean! In celebration of World Oceans Day 2012 (June 8th), the nauts are taking on Washington D.C. for Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) hosted by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. SCUBAnauts will discuss current ocean issues with Members of Congress and Congressional Staff, as well as experts from federal, state and local government agencies, industry, academia, and the nonprofit community. SCUBAnauts International is a Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) U.S. Partner focused on collecting data in the marine environment. During CHOW, SCUBAnauts will engage with students from around the world through virtual conferences to discuss ocean-related issues. The goal of this program is to provide a diverse group of young men and women with the opportunity, knowledge and tools to become the next generation of ocean explorers, stewards, and scientists.
Follow along as SCUBAnauts post their reflections throughout the week of June 6-9th, 2012.
PLEASE POST A COMMENT (no login required), Tell us why do you love the ocean, and what are you doing in celebration of World Oceans Day? (please include your geographical location e.g., St. Petersburg, FL USA).