Trevor & buddy Charlie Lemon on coral outplanting day in the Keys. Trevor says, “Spending time with the Vets from Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge was my favorite experience.”

by Trevor R., 2nd Class Naut, Tarpon Chapter

Hi, my name is Trevor. This is my second year going on the Scubanauts Summer Trip, and even though I’ve done this all before it has just gotten better. Spending time with the vets from Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge was my favorite experience. I have made more connections and more friendships. I have learned so much about them, and they have taught me so much. I’ve learned about their experiences, what life is like, and how to handle it, and they have truly lived that. On top of that I had so much fun working in the Mote Coral Nursery; it’s basically an underwater farm for coral. We actually got to hammer a piece of rebar into the sand underwater! Not only did we enjoy the work, we actually helped Mote rebuild some of their Nursery lost from hurricane Irma. The one thing I would take away from this trip, is to never stop giving, no matter what.

Check out some video from the Mote Marine Laboratory coral nursery in Summerland Key with the veterans from Combat Wounded Veteran Challege: