SCUBAnaut News

What Does It Take To Become a SCUBAnaut?

What Does It Take To Become a SCUBAnaut?

The first step of becoming a SCUBAnaut was probably the most interesting. This was the diving first aid certifications. In order to be confident in first aid skills relating to diving as well as just general first aid, I had to learn tons of new material and make sure I fully understood it.

Savannah Nauts Reach the Keys!

Savannah Nauts Reach the Keys!

My trip to the Keys was amazing! Probably one of the best trips I have ever done. Being there with friends, and meeting new people made it so much more fun as well! When we got there, we unpacked our stuff and I met everyone that I was going to dive with. Everyone was super nice and welcoming, and I knew this was going to be a fun weekend.