Ongoing Projects and Training

AAUS Scientific Diver Training
Since its beginnings, SCUBAnauts’ first focus is providing youth with a safe learning environment. Thus, we devote a great deal of time training our divers in safe diving techniques. All members participate in rigorous training upon first joining in order to qualify as American Academy of Underwater Sciences’ Scientific Divers, and are required to renew their status each year through participation in a swim test, SCUBA skills and diver rescue evaluation, and CPR and diving first aid training. This training also builds the rescue diving skills of our members, like buddy tows, underwater mask clearing, loss of regulator and underwater navigation. Additionally one must have excellent spacial awareness as a scientific diver, so we also work to perfect finning and buoyancy for working divers. It is vital that exercises like these become second nature so that adding a clipboard, pencil, fish identification sheets, and the tasks to observe and record data do not become overwhelming or dangerous.

Coral Restoration and Reef Monitoring
SCUBAnauts has been actively involved in coral restoration efforts since 2011, when a partnership with MOTE Marine Laboratory was first established. Each year, nauts help transplant hundreds of corals within MOTE’s coral nursery and back out to local reefs. The scope of work with MOTE has continued to expand to include multiple trips per year, dry construction of monofilament loops, hammering coral tree anchors underwater, and monitoring the spread of a wide-scale disease outbreak that has devastated the Florida Reef tract. Finally, in 2019, senior nauts assisted with collection of coral fragments used to establish a coral nursery in Cayos Cochinos, Honduras with the assistance of La Foundacion, the marine protected area management group.

Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge
Since 2011, SCUBAnauts have collaborated with Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge (CWVC) and MOTE Marine Laboratory each summer. The Nauts buddy up with wounded or injured United States veterans and head to their mission: transplant corals and save our reefs! Each year, more than 500 coral fragments are replanted on Hero’s Reef near Summerland Key, FL, and hundreds more are fragmented and hung in the nursery for future planting. In 2018, following significant damage to the coral nursery by Hurricane Irma, buddy teams competed to hammer in the most underwater anchors used to secure future coral trees. Continuing the competition each year, Nauts and Vets study and practice for a SCUBA navigation challenge involving a 500-yard underwater swim. The team closest to the bullseye enjoys serious bragging rights. Each year, the Nauts rank their CWVC experience as their favorite part of the week, finding inspiration in every interaction.

Vertical Oyster Gardens
At the top of Tampa Bay in Oldsmar, FL there is a pier with interesting looking structures hanging from it. The structures are Vertical Oyster Gardens (VOGs), a new way to create oyster habitats to help clean our waters. In a recent water quality report on Old Tampa Bay, which lines Oldsmar’s coast, water was found to be the least healthy in the entire Bay.
Launching in 2021, the VOGs were placed along the pier and its walkway to help recruit oysters to our bay as a step closer to cleaner, healthier waters. One oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water per day. Imagine the filtering power of hundreds or thousands of oysters! Over the last two years, SCUBAnauts from the Tarpon Springs chapter have participated in the city’s public events to gather
growth and water quality data to help the city measure the impact of this project.
SCUBAnauts is now a partner with the City of Oldsmar to assist city staff with the ongoing counting, growth measuring and water quality testing of the oyster colonies on the VOGs.

Reef Ball Monitoring
In 2014 and 2018, SNI secured funding from a new artificial reef project in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Hernando County. The Nauts helped build these reef balls in late 2017 and have monitored them since for changes in coral, sponge, fish and algal recruitment on the new reefs. Despite the colder temperatures of the Gulf waters in the winter, the Nauts will continue to collect data all winter long. So far, the Nauts have been happily surprised to find hardy growth in a very short time. This dive continues to be one of the favorite local dive sites for our SCUBAnauts.

Coastal and Wilderness Survival Training
SCUBAnauts conduct underwater navigation training operations with America’s elite Army Special Forces and Navy SEALS, but those who want to take fun (and training) to the next level, hone their survival skills on land as well as at sea. Each trip involves some of our highest-trained military personnel specializing in different aspects of living outdoors. Our brave leaders choose our curriculum based on the items at hand. Among the things we have learned are star and compass navigation, wilderness eating, wilderness first aid and fire starting techniques.

Underwater and Beach Cleanups
SCUBAnauts participate in multiple land-based and underwater cleanups each year, pulling hundreds of pounds of trash from the ocean. One of the most notable annual cleanups in Florida follows the Tampa Gasparilla parade, during which hundreds of plastic beads find their way from parade floats and boats into the Bay. During each event, divers collect 300-500 pounds of trash and recycle fishing line, lures, weights, and other boating items. Additionally, each chapter does a land-based cleanup during Earth Day each year as a competition to see which group can collect the most debris and prevent it from entering local waterways!