The mission of SCUBAnauts International is to educate teens in the marine sciences, enabling them to make a positive impact on the environment and empowering them to become tomorrow’s leaders.

I Could Do a Hard Hit, Could You?

Heavy hits are the worst of the worst. They turn of your air rip your regulator out and tangle them take your mask off, undo the BCD buckles, and other issues.

Nauts Share Florida Viewpoints on Capitol Hill

I chose to talk about the wetlands, vertical oyster gardens (VOG’s), and coral restoration. The reason I chose those topics is because Darren Soto is really focused on keeping Florida beautiful, and a big contributor to Florida’s beauty is our waters. So, I chose the topics that will help protect Florida’s waters. 

When the weather gives you lemons…

When the weather gives you work with coral at Mote! The past three days, five SCUBAnauts from different chapters in Florida embarked on a mission to assist Audrey B. on her Masternaut project. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had a different plan for us and...

Myrtle Beach Sherman Wreck Dives

Each dive SCUBAnauts conducts has a research or education mission. Recently, some members from the Savannah Chapter took a trip up to Myrtle Beach to dive the Sherman Wreck and practice archeology techniques as well as fish identification.

A Workout to Benefit the Ocean

Getting duckbill anchors 3ft into the sand is no easy feat and typically takes Mote’s team several days to complete small numbers. Enter… SCUBAnauts like Braydan K. from the Sarasota Chapter. This was Braydan’s first mission wtih SCUBAnauts. See what he has to say about his time in Mote’s field nurseries.

SCUBAnauts Gallery

SCUBAnauts Blog

Scholarship Program in Action

Scholarship Program in Action

This past year has been a phenomenal experience in the organization, and I feel honored to be a member.  The scholarship program provided me with most of the gear, and all of the training I need. I’ve felt overwhelmed at times, but that’s just because I’m still new to this whole diving thing. Overall I would say that SCUBAnauts has had a phenomenal impact on my life, and I can’t wait to continue my journey.

A New Generation of Corals

A New Generation of Corals

This week, 6 other SCUBAnauts and I departed to Mote Marine Laboratory in Summerland Key, Florida. Mote requested SCUBAnauts to help record first time data on the spawning of outplanted Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis). Mote Marine Lab uses one form of coral...

Red Lights Only – A Coral Spawn Tale

Red Lights Only – A Coral Spawn Tale

I was assigned to look after two tanks that had two to three pieces of coral in them. After a couple of hours, a different tank that I was not watching over started to spawn while my coral never started to set. Setting is the process where the coral start to create their gamete bundles.

Coral Restoration, BINGO and Night Dives

Coral Restoration, BINGO and Night Dives

On Thursday we were in a MOTE coral nursery, restoring and helping staghorn coral. We did this by splitting into 2-3 groups and worked on coral trees made of PVC pipe. When corals are in a high density, the spread of disease is more efficient, just as it is with human...

Diving at USC Wrigley Institute

Diving at USC Wrigley Institute

SCUBAnauts spent two days diving at USC Wrigley Institute to learn about Southern California’s marine ecosystems and survey methods.

Four Dives at Casino Point

Four Dives at Casino Point

This next dive we laid down three 15-meter transect lines right through the kelp forest. Our goal was to divide into three buddy pairs and do three types of surveys each on these lines. These three surveys consisted of an invert survey, which we counted all species of invertebrates on and two meters around the transect, an algae survey…

California, Here We Come

California, Here We Come

I had never been so excited for a 7:30 flight! The other Nauts and I arrived at the airport with anticipation as our new adventure was just beginning. After a seamless transition through security and boarding, we were all on our way to Southern California! After what...

Corals Changing Oceans, Careers and Friendships

Corals Changing Oceans, Careers and Friendships

I never imagined a summer SCUBAnauts trip would completely change my life goals. In all honesty I was kind of nervous since I hadn’t met most of the other Nauts before departure day. But there’s something about scuba diving that brings people together! The group of 15...

Hips Don’t Lie – Land Lubbers Have Fun Too

Hips Don’t Lie – Land Lubbers Have Fun Too

The first week of June, ten SCUBAnauts traveled to the Florida Keys for a week of diving. This was a special trip, because none of the nauts had been on a summer mission before, and they were scheduled to undertake 24 dives in just 7 days! Each team was responsible for developing and executing a science project with some dives to support our coral restoration partners sprinkled in the middle. See what Crystal River naut Lena has to say about the first three days. It’s not just about the diving!